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Springwell Leeds Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, this is something to which all our staff and volunteers are fully committed.

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding legislation and the UK Government states that Safeguarding is:-

  • protecting vulnerable children from abuse or neglect.
  • making sure people are fully supported in order to gain access to health care and stay well.
  • ensuring that children are growing up in safe and effective environments.
  • taking action in order to ensure that all children and young adults have support to achieve the best possible outcomes.
  • making sure that all children and young adults receive safe and nurturing care.
  • it is making sure that all children and young people are supported in order to have a full and happy life.

We have a number of Designated Safeguarding Officers, based across each of our sites:

East Site
Dave Roberts – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Colette Miller -Designated Safeguarding Lead
Terri Carter
James Butterwood
Caroline Fisher

North Site
Amanda Patterson – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mary Ruggles
Paul Quinn
Beth Millington
Sean Hutchinson
Lisa Wason
Josh Walkden-Smith
South Site
Simon Jones – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Janie Palmer
Bupa Riyat
Ryan Hallsworth
Ann-Marie Oliver
Bev Newman
Joe Sutcliffe
Fiona Brown
Helen McMillan

Safeguarding Documents:-

Staff at Springwell Leeds also follow the Department for Education’s statutory guidance which can be found in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’.  The policy, along with other key Safeguarding documents, can be accessed via the links below:-

Additional Safeguarding Resources:-

Please find listed below links to other useful safeguarding websites and resources
NSPCC     Childline   Samaritans    Winstons Wish   Young Minds  Educate Against Hate

Parent Guides for  Nintendo SwitchWiiUXbox360XBox family,  xBoxOne,  Nintendo3DSPlaystationApple.