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The Arts

Welcome to the Arts at Springwell.

We are very lucky to have access to some fantastic facilities and equipment, along with a team of experienced, specialist teachers to engage and release the creative streak in all our students.
In our Primary pods the Arts are delivered as an integral part of the curriculum with input and support from the specialists based on each of our sites as well as other Arts organisations. We have also benefitted from working with outside organisations such as DJ School UK, Chapel FM, Leeds Music Education Partnership and Burley Banksy to ensure students have the opportunity to observe and take part in high quality learning based around the Arts.
In 2020 we were awarded Artsmark Silver status, a national award given to schools that provide an Arts offer that goes well beyond expectations. We were delighted to receive the feedback below from Artsmark:
‘Springwell Leeds Academy is to be commended for its commitment to developing artistic and cultural experiences for pupils. You have provided a range of performance and exhibition opportunities for pupils to celebrate their work, which has helped raise the profile of the Arts across the schools and wider community.’
Further to this the Academy has also been named as a ‘Champion centre’ for Trinity College, London in recognition of our impressive delivery of the Arts Award qualifications. This status is awarded to around 100 schools and community organisations nationally.

At secondary level the Arts subjects look like this:


At KS3 Students have access to two music lessons a week with their class. During these lessons students develop their skills in performing, listening and composing through a variety of topics. The topics covered include Samba drumming, Rock ‘n’ roll, Band skills, Composition using music technology, Film music and many more.
Through Music, students have the opportunity to build confidence and resilience and have an expressive outlet.
Students make regular use of keyboards, drums, ukuleles and guitars working on both individual and group projects, they also learn to use sequencing software on our iMac computers. At all three sites we provide opportunities for pupils to attend one to one instrumental lessons, working towards practical qualifications. Many also participate in workshops led by specialists from outside organisations such as DJ School UK and Leeds Music Education Partnership. At KS4 Students work towards Level 1 and 2 qualifications and students follow the pathway that is best for them ranging from Arts Award Bronze certificate and practical instrumental exams to GCSE and BTEC.
In June 2021 we became one of only four schools in Leeds to be awarded ‘Champion school’ status by Leeds Music Education Partnership. We pride ourselves on inclusivity and aim to offer as many opportunities for the wide range of musical interests that our students have.

Design Technology

KS3 students follow the National Curriculum programmes of study and attend at least two lessons per week. KS4 students work towards Arts Award certificates but we are also able to offer the GCSE qualification to students that we feel are capable of completing this course.
KS3 students follow the National Curriculum programmes of study and attend at least one lesson per week. They work towards achieving the Explore or Discover Arts Award. KS4 students work towards AQA Entry Level Unit Awards and Arts Award Bronze and/ or Silver. Some students also follow a STEM course. STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines —
science, technology, engineering and mathematics Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of how to research, design, plan, make and evaluate. They will generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches and computer-aided design. They will improve their confidence and competency in a range of practical skills and techniques by selecting the appropriate tools, equipment and machinery. They will use a range of resistant materials to make their own product and will evaluate existing products as well as assess their own ability of themselves and the products that they will make. They will have opportunities to design and produce work using a
laser printer and vinyl plotter cutter.
Examples of some recent KS3 projects include: Jewellery Box, Geometric Animals, Clocks, Desk tidy, Wooden Toy and Key Ring. In KS4 they will attempt projects such as small cabinets, table lamps and wooden artefacts.


Students study a range of topics in Art lessons, starting with the Elements of Art, which looks at basic skills such as tone, 3D work, colour and printing technique.
Students develop these skills through topics where possible linking with different themes that are run across all year groups each half term. One particularly popular topic is the ‘Making a Monster project’, in which students design their own monsters taking inspiration from famous film directors/animators such as Tim Burton. Other topics include The Day of The Dead and War. Students are encouraged to then
choose topics that interest them so bespoke projects can be created to suit their interests and needs.
At KS4 we look at improving design and compositional skills, students have the opportunity to learn computer design using Adobe programs, which are used in industry by design professionals, photographers and so on. Students are able to work towards the ABC Award (level 2) and Bronze or Silver Arts Award (Level 1 and 2 respectively) and in 2021 we entered our first cohort for GCSE.
Click here to download a booklet about the Arts at Springwell Leeds.



We are delighted and proud to announce that Springwell Leeds Academy has been awarded “Champion Music School” status by the Leeds Music Education Partnership Board.

We are one of only four schools to gain this status that recognises schools that have made a significant impact on their pupils’ lives through music offer and who have an outstanding commitment to music.
See here for more information